Senior Pastors

Bruce & Julie Williams
Our Senior Ministers Bruce & Julie Williams are an amazing couple who have a desire to see people’s lives impacted by a real encounter with God. They were both born and raised in mainstream Christian homes and accepted Christ for themselves as teenagers. Married in 1979 they both experienced a powerful encounter with the Holy Spirit in 1983 and began a slow journey into full-time ministry that culminated in them planting C3 Church Adelaide Hills in December 1995.
They have had first hand experience of the love, power and faithfulness of God and have been gifted by God to communicate that love to many different people.
Bruce & Julie have a passion for the local church and believe it is the most amazing place in our community where you can be involved. They strive to build a church where people can receive healing, restoration, acceptance, love, commitment and security through a vibrant relationship with God. They also strive to build a church where people can give or express love, community, passion, faithfulness, worship, talents and finance abundantly.
“The love of God amazes us. So many people are wandering through life aimlessly, and it is our belief that God has a dream and destiny for each of us that can be discovered and pursued.”
Location Pastors

Jon & Emma Oertel
Our Location Pastors, Jon & Emma Oertel support our Senior Ministers in caring for our church family, which includes overseeing our Sunday Services & Connect Groups, as well as serving on the Executive team.
Jon & Emma’s heart is to see the church body grow through Spirit filled worship services, developing strong, supportive relationships within connect groups and empowering people to serve God. They have been married for 17 years and have 4 young children. They have been in various leadership roles at C3 Church for the past 20 years.